Maybe a reset for the misc modifer on Abilities and Defenses to restore your stats after they got drained due to a power or a condition (e.g. There appears a message on the top of the sheet if the spent points don't match your Equipment rank, but this could be made clearer. Me playing Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition Alone using the GM Apprentice Horror GuideMutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition is a product and property of Green R. Revise how the Equipment advantage is tracked.

Other notes (since we also started playing in this system again recently) that require a rework (not just style): Instead of just the description under powers, have the ability to add an Extra or Flaw to them in a list (so it's easier to see how it was customised and to help players with the calculation of the total cost) Probably too much of a hassle, but something to add a power to the Offense category automatically. Input::-webkit-inner-spin-button to get rid of the unused space on the right of the box for the spin arrows. Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike. Suppose there is one server and the expected service time is one minute.
Also maybe change the numeric inputs that are not editable to `type="tel"` or add: input::-webkit-outer-spin-button, M&M 3e Reference Table - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. For each of the following two cases, generate a data table that gives the values of L, L q, W, Wq, and for the following mean arrival rates: 0.5, 0.9, and 0.99 customers per minute. One thing to note for the header (that I attempted to change a bit in the past), is that the Total Power Points Used (`attr_total-power-points`) needs to fit 4 digits (three for the main number + 1 digit precision), since a rank in a Skill adds a half point.